Load the game and from the main menu selection click OPTIONS and then the MODS button.

Subscribe to any mods you wish to download.Browse the various mods that are available for both EAW and FOC.Visit the Steam Workshop for the Star Wars: Empire at War Gold Pack.Change the second number of each pair of numbers to the population limit you want.Carefully scroll down the document until you see text like this:.Look for and double-click on the “XML” folder.How do you increase population cap in Star Wars Empire at War? Stargate – Empire at War: Pegasus Chronicles. Ultimate Galactic Conquest Custom Edition. The best Star Wars: Empire at War mods are: Awakening the Rebellion. What is the best mod for Star Wars Empire at War? How to retreat in Star Wars Empire at war?.Can you attack your rear planets in Empire at war?.How to attack in Star Wars Empire at war?.What are the advantages of the Empire in Star Wars?.How many people are playing Star Wars Empire at War?.How many GB is Star Wars Empire at War?.How do I start Star Wars Empire at War mods?.Is there a sandbox mode in Empire at War?.How do you steal technology in Star Wars Empire at War?.Are there any cheats in Star Wars Forces of corruption?.Are there any cheats for Star Wars games?.Is there a Cheat Engine for Star Wars Empire at war?.What to start with in Star Wars Empire at war?.When do you recieve credits in Empire at war?.Are there any cheats or trainers for Star Wars?.How to use cheat console in Star Wars Empire at war?.How do you increase population cap in Star Wars Empire at War?.What is the best mod for Star Wars Empire at War?.