Ardias then sets the ship to self-destruct, and Kais escapes via a Dreadnought drop-pod. They capture the ship's remaining guns, in an attempt to re-start the Imperium-Tau war, but are stopped by Kais's destruction of the guns. Ardias brokers a truce between the Imperium and the Tau, and it is revealed that Governor Severus has been seduced by the Powers of Chaos, teleporting a contingent of Word Bearers Chaos Marines onto the ship. Kais is clubbed on the head by Captain Ardias, however, and is captured.

There,he disables the ship's guns and nearly captures the ship's commander, Admiral Constantine. After Kais fails to rescue the Captain, he and several teams of Fire-Warriors are launched, by boarding pod at the Imperial ship. Kais then fights a desperate battle against a force of Storm Troopers as they try to disable the cruiser's engines, and assassinate the Captain. As the Orca dropship begins docking with the Tau Emissary class cruiser, it is attacked by an Imperial Battleship, and boarding pods are launched. He infiltrates Severus's prison-fortress, and escapes with Ko'vash intact. The game begins with Kais's first mission, an attempt to rescue Ko'vash from Governor Severus. The story takes place over a period of 24 hours.